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媒体声明- 2024年6月25日

TC能源 congratulates Haisla Nation and Pembina on advancing Cedar LNG and is proud to support 土著-led LNG development

# -卡提玛特-雪松-链接- - 1900 x500宣布.jpg

今天, Haisla Nation and Pembina Pipeline Corporation (Pembina) announced a positive Final Investment Decision (FID) for the Haisla-led 雪松液化天然气项目.

“I want to congratulate Haisla Nation and Pembina on achieving this tremendous milestone and recognize how they have redefined the future of energy development in North America. 通过土著-ownership, Cedar LNG will create opportunities that will support 土著 and local communities in northern British Columbia and deliver benefits to the world by meeting global demand for more secure, 负担得起的可持续能源,弗朗索瓦·普瓦里埃说, 总裁兼首席执行官, TC能源.

By leveraging the existing 沿海GasLink infrastructure with the addition of a connector, 仪表站和一个新的压缩站, we are supporting Cedar LNG in the delivery of lower-carbon Canadian LNG to global markets. 通过最大化资产价值, we can further unlock export capacity on 沿海GasLink and provide additional long-term egress for the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin (WCSB) in support of our customers and 土著 and local communities in B.C. 和加拿大.

Cedar LNG is the culmination of many years of 协作 and engagement with 土著 and local communities, government and industry and represents a transformative moment for 土著-led energy projects in Canada. We are proud to stand with them and continue 沿海GasLink’s extraordinary legacy of creating lasting benefits and providing lower-carbon Canadian LNG to the world.

了解更多全球十大赌博靠谱平台 沿海GasLink雪松路项目