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See 全球十大赌博靠谱平台 for important information on the climate-related content on this website.
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“From the time you get up in the morning until you go to bed at night, it’s difficult to find a moment when you haven’t used energy transported by a pipeline.-加拿大能源管道协会(CEPA)


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Access to energy enables all of us to live healthier, longer, more prosperous lives. Think of all the things that would not be possible without reliable sources of energy -- for example our food production, 教育, 医疗保健, 通信, 科学技术.

而风能和太阳能发电继续快速增长, natural gas and oil are projected to provide over 50 per cent of the world’s energy for the next 30 years.

只要我们的生活中还有石油和天然气, we will need to transport those products over long distances to the people who need it and benefit from it.

Underground pipelines are the safest, most environmentally friendly way.

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大型输送管道网络是能源高速公路. Pipelines take both natural gas and oil over vast distances -- from often-remote locations to the populated places where we need the products. In Canada, 97 per cent of the natural gas and oil we use is delivered by pipelines. 在美国.S., 66 per cent of crude oil and refined products are moved through pipelines, 几乎所有的天然气都是通过管道输送的.

管道运输更安全, 更高效的, 并且产生的温室气体排放量比船舶少, 卡车或火车. 管道公司雇佣工程师, safety and environmental experts to ensure that pipelines meet rigorous safety and environmental standards.


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看看我们是如何在幕后帮助保持教室的, 医院和其他基本服务正常运行. We provide access to energy across our North American footprint that they need every day.


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TC能源在加拿大、美国和加拿大的管道.S. 和墨西哥

We are proud of our roots building the first natural gas pipelines in Canada under the TransCanada name.

今天我们是TC能源, 全球产业中的北美公司, 运营数万公里(英里)的管道.

Our network includes historic pipelines in Canada and Alberta, along with U.S. pipelines that have operated for over a century – thanks to plenty of maintenance, 一路现代化,一路扩张. We also build and operate new natural gas and oil pipelines in Canada, the U.S. 和墨西哥,达到世界一流的安全和环境标准.

通过我们的网络, we ensure that energy from oil and clean-burning natural gas reaches the people who need it in their lives – millions of Canadians, 美国人和墨西哥人, as well as people in other nations who benefit from the energy we export.

We understand that society expects this energy to be delivered in the most sustainable way possible. That’s why we’re dedicated to doing our job 安全, responsibly, collaboratively and with 完整性.

正是这些辛勤的工作和承诺使我们今天与众不同, 在未来的几十年里,我们将继续以这种方式运作.


97% 加拿大的天然气和石油有一半是通过管道输送的

66% U.S. crude oil is moved through pipelines and almost all natural gas is delivered by pipelines

管道运输 更安全的, 更高效的,并创建 减少温室气体排放 而不是轮船、卡车或火车



Pipeline101.org | 我们为什么需要管道?


加拿大能源管道协会(CEPA) | 全球十大赌博靠谱平台管道


石油管道协会(AOPL 管道是生命线

美国石油学会(API)  | 运输石油和天然气